Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

Christmas Lunch Dishes

Pickled Herring in Dill Dressing

Christmas, Fish & seafood, Holiday, LunchTove Balle-PedersenComment
Pickled Herring in Dill Dressing

Pickled Herring in Dill Dressing

12th Day of Christmas.

When pickled herring being a vital part of the Danish holiday lunch parties, you sometime want to change up the flavor profile. The classic dressing/sauce is the curry version, is a must have. But this Dill version has a very delicate and fine flavor, and comes in as a close second in my home.


  • 3-4 pickled herring fillets (marinede sildefileter)


  • ½ dl (¼ cup) creme fraiche or sour cream
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon pickling solution from the herring
  • ½ lemon, the juice from
  • 1 teaspoon capers
  • a good handful chopped fresh dill, cleaned well, and dried
  • salt & pepper to taste


Mix all the ingredient for the dressing, and season with salt and pepper. Cut the herring fillet into bite-size pieces and cover the herring bites with the dressing. Let the herring marinate in the dressing for a few hours before serving.

Serve the herring on a pies of Danish rye bread.


Christmas Lunch Dishes

Christmas, Holiday, LunchTove Balle-PedersenComment

10th Day of Christmas.

When hosting a Traditional Danish Christmas lunch you can serve these great dishes:

The lunch always starts with the fish dishes: pickled herring, smoked or/and gravad salmon (lax). Followed by the cold cuts like rullepølse, head cheese and things like hardboiled eggs and tomatoes. Then the warm dishes will be served: porkroast (flæskesteg) with picked red cabbage, liver pate with bacon and mushrooms and fried fish.

Pickled Herring-001.jpg

Pickled Herring

Served on rye bread, with sliced raw onions. Another favorite is adding curry salad on the herring, and maybe also some hardboiled egg.






Gravad Lax:

This gravad lax is to die for. It is so much better than any store bought kind I have ever had. 

Head Cheese (sylte) 

Served with mustard and pickled beets.


Served with raw onion rings.



Liver Pate

My favorite warm dish, served with crispy bacon and sautéed mushrooms or with pickled beets

Pork roast

served with Pickled red Cabbage

Fried sole filet


Danish rye bread

Most of the dishes above is served on Danish rye bread or some kind of White bread.


After all this food, why not have some dessert? And of course it has to be Risalamande Danish rice pudding with cherry sauce.