Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

Hveder - Hvedeknopper

2 Kinds of Hveder - Wheat Rolls

Bread, Breakfast, BrunchTove Balle-PedersenComment
Toasted rolls - ristede hvedeknopper

Toasted rolls - ristede hvedeknopper

Even though I'm a expat, I do celebrate Danish Holidays. This gives me (almost) double-up on holidays, the more the merrier 😃

Store Bededag or Prayers Day is coming up on Friday. According to traditions everybody had the day off on Store Bededag even the bakers. You were actually meant to stop all work, play, travels and all games. To make up for not being able to get any fresh bread on Store Bededag, the bakers made an abundance of hvedeknopper (wheat rolls), to tie people over. And the tradition of eating the toasted hvedeknopper the night before Store Bededag was born. Ok people was meant to save the rolls to the next day, but who can resist a fresh-baked roll?

Hveder is one of my favorite rolls. The soft, sweet, fresh baked cardamom roll is so delicious served with some butter. Most people toast the rolls, but I prefer them not toasted. 

Here are my recipes for Hveder:

Traditional Hveder - hvedeknopper:

Hveder - sweet rolls

Hveder - sweet rolls

Toasted 3-grain rolls - ristede grove hvedeknopper

Toasted 3-grain rolls - ristede grove hvedeknopper

Grove Hveder - Grove Hvedeknopper

Bread, Breakfast, Brunch, DinnerTove Balle-PedersenComment
Grove Hveder - Grove Hvedeknopper

Grove Hveder - Grove Hvedeknopper

Hveder is a white cardamom roll eaten before the Bededag aka Prayers Day in Denmark. This year I wanted to add a little fibers to the roll, while still keeping the roll nice and sweet. I think I hit the mark with this recipe. I didn't come up with a heathy version, but 1.6 grams dietary fiber per roll is a little better than 0.


  • 50 g live yeast or 4 teaspoons dry yeast
  • 200 ml water, finger warm
  • 75 g butter
  • 150 ml buttermilk
  • 1 egg
  • 10 g (1¾ teaspoon) salt
  • 5-10 g (3 teaspoons) cardamom
  • 25 g buckwheat 
  • 50 g quick oats (quaker oats)
  • 100 g whole wheat flour
  • 450 g all-purpose flour


In a large bowl dissolve the yeast in the water. (Add a teaspoon sugar if you are using dry yeast, and wait until it starts to foam.) Mix in the butter, sugar, buttermilk and egg. Mix salt and cardamom with the flours, oats and buckwheat, and add that to the water-mixture. Hold some of the all-purpose flour back, because you want a soft smooth dough, and might not need it all. Knead the dough for about 7-10 minutes until the dough is shinny and elastic. Let the dough rise covered for about 20- 30 minutes.  

Pour the dough onto a lightly floured workspace, fold the dough over 3-4 times and divide the dough into 12-18 small balls. Place the balls only about 1 cm (about ⅓-½ inch) apart on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Cover the dough balls with a dampen kitchen towel, and let them rise for another 60 minutes. They are meant to grow into each other, you want the soft sides on your rolls, when you pull them apart.

Preheat the oven to 400℉ (200℃). (375℉ /190℃ for convection oven). 

Bake the hvedeknopper/rolls for 15-20 minutes until they are dark golden brown. Let them cool on a wire rack.

Before serving, cut them in half and toast them. Serve them hot with butter and jam or with a good cheese.


Hveder - Hvedeknopper

Bread, HolidayTove Balle-Pedersen1 Comment
Hveder - Hvedeknopper

Hveder - Hvedeknopper

Hveder, or hvedeknopper, is a white bread roll spiced with cardamom. It's an old tradition from 1686 to eat heated rolls the night before "Store Bededag" aka "Prayers day." Store Bededag is the fourth friday after Easter, this year it's May 16th.  Actually it's a consolidation of a bunch of prayer and pendance days. Everybody had the day off on Store Bededag even the bakers. You were actually meant to stop all work, play, travels and all games. To make up for not being able to get any fresh bread on Store Bededag, the bakers made an abundance of hvedeknopper (wheat rolls), to tie people over. And the tradition of eating the toasted hvedeknopper the night before Store Bededag was born. Ok people was meant to save the rolls to the next day, but who can resist a fresh-baked roll?

The tradition stayed but nowadays the day is one of days used for the confirmation of the young people in the church - a big day for family parties.

Makes 18-20 hvedeknopper


  • 50 g confectionary sugar

  • 10 g salt

  • 50 g live yeast (4 teaspoon dry yeast)

  • 1 egg

  • 75 g butter, room temperature

  • 5-10 g cardamom

  • 2½ dl (1 cup +1tablespoon) water, finger-warm

  • 550-600 g all-purpose flour


In a large bowl dissolve the yeast in the water. (Add a teaspoon sugar if you are using dry yeast, and wait until it starts to foam.) Mix in the butter, sugar and egg. Add salt and cardamom to a small part of the flour, and add that to the water-mixture. Add the flour a little at a time, until you have a soft dough. You might not need it all. Knead the dough for about 7-10 minutes until the dough is shinny and elastic. Let the dough rise covered for about 20 minutes.  

Hveder - Hvedeknopper

Hveder - Hvedeknopper

Pour the dough onto a lightly floured workspace, fold the dough over 3-4 times and divide the dough into 18-20 small balls. Place the balls only about 1 cm (about ⅓-½ inch) apart on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Cover the dough balls with a dampen kitchen towel, and let them rise for another 60 minutes. They are meant to grow into each other, you want the soft sides on your rolls, when you pull them apart.

Preheat the oven for 400℉ (200℃).

Bake the hvedeknopper/rolls for 15-20 minutes until they are dark golden brown. Let them cool on a wire rack.

Before serving, cut them in half and toast them. Serve them hot with butter and jam or with a good cheese.



The Danish version:

Hveder - Hvedeknopper

18-20 stk.


  • 50 g flormelis

  • 10 g salt

  • 50 g gær (4 tsk tørgær/11,8 g)

  • 1 æg

  • 75 g smør

  • 5-10 g kardemomme

  • 2 ½ dl lunkent vand

  • 550-600 g mel


Opløs gæren i vandet. Hvis du bruger tørgær, kom en smule sukker i vandet og vent et par minutter indtil gæren skummer. Tilsæt smør, flormelis og æg, og rør det sammen til det er blandet godt sammen. Bland kardemomme og salt i lidt af melet og tilsæt det til vandet. Tilsæt resten af melet lidt ad gangen og ælt dejen indtil den er blank og elastisk, ca. 6-10 minutter. Lad dejen hæve tildækket et lunt sted ca i 20 minutter.

Form 20 boller som sættes tæt på en bageplade med ca. 1 cm afstand. Læg et fugtigt viskestykke over og lad dem efterhæve i ca 1 time. Bag hvederne ved 200℃ i omkring 15-20 minutter, indtil de er mørk gyldne. Lad hvederne køle af på bagerist.

Før serveringen flæk hvederne og rist dem i en brødrister eller i ovnen med skærefladen opad ved 230 grader i ca. 5 minutter.

Server hvederne med koldt smør og marmelade eller en god ost.


Source: Lagkagehuset