Mulled Cider - Varm Krydret Cider — Sweet • Sour • Savory

Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

Mulled Cider - Varm Krydret Cider

Christmas, Holiday, DrinksComment
Mulled Cider

Mulled Cider

December 5th the cold weather is here to stay, and we need something to keep us warm.

Hot mulled cider, this lovely drink was all new to me 6 years ago. I thought that mulled wine aka glögg/gløgg/glühwein was a German/scandinavian thing. And adding warm spices to a non-alcholic drink, that was new to me, I'm sad to say. 😳

First time I had it was at a William-Sonoma store, and boy the got me hooked on that stuff. I love this when when winter approaches, and you need at hot strong drink to keep you warm. 

It has become a tradition to make hot mulled cider when we are having ebelskiver the weeks up to christmas. And to bee honest, I have the cider simmering on my stove almost every day. This fills my house with the sweet smell of christmas and it makes me very happy. 


  • 2 quarts good apple cider

  • 1 orange, zest of half

  • 2 sticks of cinnamon

  • 5-10 whole cloves

  • 5-10 whole allspice berries

  • 1-2 star anis

  • 3 green cardamom capsules

You could also buy a mulling spice mix, but I prefer mixing my own.


Put all the ingredients in a large saucepan and heat the cider to a simmer. Turn down the heat, and let the spices steep in the cider for 5-10 minutes. Reheat the cider. Pour the cider through a sift into cups and serve immediately.

The Danish Version:

Varm Krydret Cider


  • 2 liter god æblecider

  • ½ appelsin, skallen fra

  • 2 kanelstænger

  • 5-10 hele nelliker

  • 5-10 hele allehånde

  • 1-2 stjerneanis

  • 3 grønne kardemomme

Kom alle ingredienserne i en gryde og varm det op til kogepunktet. Skru ned for varmen og lad krydderierne trække i cideren i 5-10 minutter. Varm cideren op og si krydderierne fra. Server cideren med det samme.