Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

Kale Salad

Salad, Sides, Vegetables, food, recipeTove Balle-PedersenComment
Kale Salad

Kale Salad

Kale has never been one of my favorites until I tried this salad. Kale is filled with vitamins A, C and K and calcium, so it's one of the healthiest things you can eat. Curly kale is fibrous and grassy tasting and it goes well with a creamy and lemony dressing, like the one I use here. The kales call for more dressing than a regular salad like iceberg or butter salad.

The dressing I use is a old-fasioned creamy dressing called mormordressing (grandmothers dressing) made with whipping cream, lemon juice, sugar, salt and pepper. My mom made another version of this dressing substituting the whipping cream with a fermented milk product called ymer, kinda like the Icelandic skyr, you can get in most supermarkets.

I love this Kale salad with different curries or with a nice pork chop. 



  • 1 pound kale curly red or green

  • 75 grapes

  • 1-2 mango

  • ½ cup (50 g) almonds, chopped


  • ½ cup (1 dl) whipping cream

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

  • 1 tablespoon sugar

  • salt & pepper to taste



Mix the ingredients and add lemon or sugar to taste.



Rinse and cut the ribs out of the kale leaves, and finely chop the leaves. Discard the ribs.

Rinse the grapes and cut them in halves. 

The mangos should be ripe and soft, so you can peel of the skin without using a knife. Peel mango and dice it. 

Mix it all in a large bowl with the dressing, so all the kale is covered in a thin layer of dressing.

Chop the almonds and sprinkle them on top of the salad. 
