Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.


Pita Bread

Bread, Dinner, LunchTove Balle-PedersenComment
Pita Bread 

Pita Bread 

Pita bread stuffed/filled with a good salad is a perfect lunch or dinner a hot summer day. But this pita bread tastes great with a good spread like tzatziki and a glass of red wine.


  • 30 g live yeast (2 teaspoons dry yeast)
  • 350 g water, finger-warm
  • 1 teaspoons salt
  • 500 g all-purpose flour


Dissolve the live yeast in the water. If you use dry yeast, add some sugar to the water and wait a few minutes till the yeast start to foam. 

Add the salt to half the flour, and mix it in the yeast/water mixture. Add the rest of the flour a little at a time, until the dough is elastic but not sticky. You might not need all the four. Knead the dough for 5-6 minutes on medium on a stand mixer. 

Let the dough rise covered for about 1 hour, until the dough is doubled in volume.

Pour the dough unto a flour dusted workplace. Cut the dough up into 6-8 parts, and roll them into balls.

Preheat the oven to 500℉ (250℃), with a pizza stone in.

Line 2 baking sheets with parchmentpaper. 

Roll each ball into a flat circle and leave the breads to rise on the baking sheets, covered for about 10 minutes.

Bake the Pita breads for about 7-9 minutes until they are golden brown and puffed up as small pillows. Let thew Pita's cool on a wire rack, covered with a kitchen towel.



6-8 stk



  • 30 g gær (2 tsk tørgær)
  • 350 g lunkent vand
  • 1 tsk salt
  • 500 g hvedemel


Opløs gæren i vandet. Bruger du tørgær, så kom en smule sukker i og vent til det skummer.

Kom salten i halvdelen af melet og ælt det i gærblandingen. Kom resten af melet i lidt ad gangen, indtil dejen er smidig uden at være klistret. Det er ikke sikkert at du skal bruge al melet.

Sæt dejen til hævning i omkring 1 time, indtil dejen er doblet i volumen. 

Hæld dejen ud på et meldrysset bord, og del dejen i 6-8 lige store dele. Rul hver del til en bolle.

Opvarm ovnen til 500℉ (250℃) evt. med en bagesten i. Kom bagepapir på et par bageplader.

Rul hver bolle ud til en flad cirkel. Læg brødene på bagepladerne og lad den hæve tildækket i ca 10 minutter.

Bag brødene i 7-9 minutter indtil de er lysebrune og pustede op. Afkøl brødene på en bagerist med et viskestykke over.


Breakfast Sourdough Rolls

Bread, Breakfast, BrunchTove Balle-Pedersen7 Comments
Breakfast Sourdough Rolls

Breakfast Sourdough Rolls

I have a love of bread, for the most part I prefer more rustic bread like sourdough bread. But baking my favorite bread takes time. So I had to try to make some easy sourdough rolls, and here is what I came up with. A rustic crisp roll with flaxseeds, whole wheat, oats and sunflower seeds.  

Makes 8-9 rolls.


  • 5 g live yeast (½ teaspoon dry yeast)
  • 80 g (¾ dl) mature sourdough*
  • 4 dl (1⅔ cup) cold water
  • 50 g rolled oats
  • 2 teaspoon (15 g) sea salt
  • 150 g whole wheat flour
  • 345 g all-purpose flour
  • 40 g flaxseeds 
  • 40 g sunflower seeds 


  • rolled oats or rolled spelt
  • rice flour


In a large bowl, pour in the water, yeast and sourdough, and mix it well. Mix in the oats, whole wheat flour, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds and salt. Add the all-purpose flour a little at a time, until you have a firm but slightly sticky dough. You might not need all the flour.

I always knead my doughs in my stand mixer, and I knead the dough for about 8-10 minutes until the dough is a bit shiny and elastic. 

Put the dough in another bowl, wiped with some olive oil. Seal the container with plastic wrap (or my favorite Press'n Seal), and leave to rest for an hour on the kitchen counter. Put the dough in the refrigerator for 12-20 hours.

Take the dough out of the refrigerator and let it sit for at least 1 hour. 

Preheat you oven and Pizza stone to 500℉ (260℃). 

Pour some rice flour and rolled spelt on the kitchen counter and gently scrape the dough out onto it. Cut the dough in 8-9 pieces and put them on a plate sprinkled with some cornflour, so the rolls don't stick.

Place the rolls on the pizza stone and let them bake for 15-20 minutes.

Let rolls cool before serving.


* If you don't have a sourdough, use 15 g live yeast or 1½ teaspoon dry yeast

The Danish version





  • 5 g gær
  • 80 g (¾ dl) surdej**
  • 4 dl koldt vand
  • 50 g havregryn
  • 2 tsk (15 g) havsalt
  • 150 g fuldkornshvedemel
  • 345 g hvedemel
  • 40 g hørfrø
  • 40 g solsikkekerner


  • havregryn eller speltflager
  • rismel


Rør gær, vand og surdej sammen i en skål. Tilsæt fuldkornsmel, havregryn, hørfrø, solsikkekerner og salt og rør dejen sammen i en røremaskine. Tilsæt hvedemel lidt ad gangen, men kun nok til du har en fast med stadig let-klisteret dej. Det er ikke sikkert du skal bruge alt melet.

Ælt dejen i røremaskinen i ca 8-10 minutter ved medium hastighed indtil du har en blank elastisk dej.

Når dejen er æltet godt, kommes den i en skål smurt med lidt olivenolie. Dæk skålen til med plastikfilm, og lad dejen hvile på køkkenbordet i ca 1 time. Kom dejen i køleskabet i 12-20 timer.

Tag dejen ud af køleskabet og lad den stå ved stuetemperatur i mindst 1 time.

Forvarm ovn og bagesten til 260℃.

Vend dejen ud på et bord drysset med rismel og speltflager. Skær dejen i 8-9 stykker, og sæt dem på en tallerken drysset med majsmel, så de ikke sætter sig fast. Overfør bollerne til bagestenen, og bag dem i 15-20 minutter.


Hvis du ikke har en surdej så kan du erstatte det med 15 g gær eller 1½ tsk tørgær.

This post has been submitted to YeastSpotting

Pigs in a Blanket - Pølsehorn

Bread, Brunch, Dinner, Meats, PorkTove Balle-PedersenComment
Pigs in a Blanket - Pølsehorn

Pigs in a Blanket - Pølsehorn

Pigs in a blanket aka pølsehorn is a favorite among kids and adults all over the world.  They are perfect for kids birthday parties or as an easy snack or lunch. You cant eat them cold, warm or hot with your choice of condiments. 


10 German style Wieners 


  • 50 g live yeast (or 4 teaspoons dry yeast)
  • 250 g water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 3 tablespoons milk
  • 40 g butter (salted)
  • 1 egg
  • 425 g all-purpose flour
  • 100 g spelt flour
  • 1 egg for egg-wash 


In a bowl combine warm water, milk, yeast and sugar. If you use dry yeast let the mixture stand until foamy, about 5 minutes. 

In the stand mixer bowl, whisk flours with salt. Add butter and mix it with a flat beater until the flour looks like crumbs. (Well the dough hook works too.) Stir in yeast mixture and egg until a dough forms. Knead the dough for 5-8 minutes on medium, (8-10 minutes if kneaded by hand), until smooth and elastic. 

Let the dough rise covered for 1 - 2 hours until doubled in bulk.

Cut the wieners in half. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Pour the dough onto a lightly floured workspace, fold the dough over 3-4 times and using dough scraper, divide the dough into 18-20 small balls. Gently roll each ball into a 11-inch/30 cm  rope, and wrap the dough around the half wiener. Squeeze the ends onto the rest of the dough, so it won't unroll when rising.

Cover the pigs loosely with a clean kitchen towel and let to rise in a warm place for one hour.

Preheat oven to 400℉/200℃ with rack in center. Beat an egg and brush some on top of pigs. Bake until tops are golden brown, about 15 minutes.

Transfer to a rack to cool before serving.

Serve the pigs in a blanket with your favorite condiment. 


This post has been submitted to YeastSpotting

The Danish version:


  • 50 g gær (eller 4 tsk tørgær)
  • 250 g vand, lunkent
  • 1 tsk salt
  • 2 spsk sukker 
  • 3 spsk mælk
  • 40 g saltet smør
  • 1 æg
  • 425 g hvedemel
  • 100 g speltmel
  • 1 æg, til pensling


Bland det lunkne vand med mælk, gær og sukker. Hvis du bruger tørgær, så lad blandingen stå indtil det begynder at skumme.

I en røremaskine bland melene, salt og smør, indtil smørret er blandet ordentligt med melet, så det ligner krummer. Kom gærblandingen og ægget i. Rør indtil det er blevet til en dej. Ælt dejen i 5-8 minutter. (Ælt 8-10 minutter, hvis du gør det i hånden). Du skal ende op med en jævn og elastisk dej.

Lad dejen hæve tildækket i skålen i 1-2 timer, eller til den er doblet i størrelse.

Halvér pølserne., og kom bagepapir på et par bageplader.

Hæld dejen ud på et bord drysset med mel. Fold dejen 3-4 gange og del dejlen i 18-20 lige store stykker/boller. Rul bollerne ud til ca. 30 cm lange pølser, og sno dejen rundt om pølserne. Pres enderne ind i dejen, så snoningen ikke ruller op, når pølsehornene hæver.

Dæk pølsehornene med et rent viskestykke, og lad dem hæve i omkring 1 time.

Opvarm ovnen til 200℃. Pensel pølsehornene med det sammenpiskede æg, og bag dem i ca 15 minutter indtil de er gyldne og gennembagte.

Køl pølsehornene lidt af inden de serveres.

Server pølsehorn med sennep og ketchup.



Hveder - Hvedeknopper

Bread, HolidayTove Balle-Pedersen1 Comment
Hveder - Hvedeknopper

Hveder - Hvedeknopper

Hveder, or hvedeknopper, is a white bread roll spiced with cardamom. It's an old tradition from 1686 to eat heated rolls the night before "Store Bededag" aka "Prayers day." Store Bededag is the fourth friday after Easter, this year it's May 16th.  Actually it's a consolidation of a bunch of prayer and pendance days. Everybody had the day off on Store Bededag even the bakers. You were actually meant to stop all work, play, travels and all games. To make up for not being able to get any fresh bread on Store Bededag, the bakers made an abundance of hvedeknopper (wheat rolls), to tie people over. And the tradition of eating the toasted hvedeknopper the night before Store Bededag was born. Ok people was meant to save the rolls to the next day, but who can resist a fresh-baked roll?

The tradition stayed but nowadays the day is one of days used for the confirmation of the young people in the church - a big day for family parties.

Makes 18-20 hvedeknopper


  • 50 g confectionary sugar

  • 10 g salt

  • 50 g live yeast (4 teaspoon dry yeast)

  • 1 egg

  • 75 g butter, room temperature

  • 5-10 g cardamom

  • 2½ dl (1 cup +1tablespoon) water, finger-warm

  • 550-600 g all-purpose flour


In a large bowl dissolve the yeast in the water. (Add a teaspoon sugar if you are using dry yeast, and wait until it starts to foam.) Mix in the butter, sugar and egg. Add salt and cardamom to a small part of the flour, and add that to the water-mixture. Add the flour a little at a time, until you have a soft dough. You might not need it all. Knead the dough for about 7-10 minutes until the dough is shinny and elastic. Let the dough rise covered for about 20 minutes.  

Hveder - Hvedeknopper

Hveder - Hvedeknopper

Pour the dough onto a lightly floured workspace, fold the dough over 3-4 times and divide the dough into 18-20 small balls. Place the balls only about 1 cm (about ⅓-½ inch) apart on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Cover the dough balls with a dampen kitchen towel, and let them rise for another 60 minutes. They are meant to grow into each other, you want the soft sides on your rolls, when you pull them apart.

Preheat the oven for 400℉ (200℃).

Bake the hvedeknopper/rolls for 15-20 minutes until they are dark golden brown. Let them cool on a wire rack.

Before serving, cut them in half and toast them. Serve them hot with butter and jam or with a good cheese.



The Danish version:

Hveder - Hvedeknopper

18-20 stk.


  • 50 g flormelis

  • 10 g salt

  • 50 g gær (4 tsk tørgær/11,8 g)

  • 1 æg

  • 75 g smør

  • 5-10 g kardemomme

  • 2 ½ dl lunkent vand

  • 550-600 g mel


Opløs gæren i vandet. Hvis du bruger tørgær, kom en smule sukker i vandet og vent et par minutter indtil gæren skummer. Tilsæt smør, flormelis og æg, og rør det sammen til det er blandet godt sammen. Bland kardemomme og salt i lidt af melet og tilsæt det til vandet. Tilsæt resten af melet lidt ad gangen og ælt dejen indtil den er blank og elastisk, ca. 6-10 minutter. Lad dejen hæve tildækket et lunt sted ca i 20 minutter.

Form 20 boller som sættes tæt på en bageplade med ca. 1 cm afstand. Læg et fugtigt viskestykke over og lad dem efterhæve i ca 1 time. Bag hvederne ved 200℃ i omkring 15-20 minutter, indtil de er mørk gyldne. Lad hvederne køle af på bagerist.

Før serveringen flæk hvederne og rist dem i en brødrister eller i ovnen med skærefladen opad ved 230 grader i ca. 5 minutter.

Server hvederne med koldt smør og marmelade eller en god ost.


Source: Lagkagehuset

Pizza Dough

Bread, DinnerTove Balle-PedersenComment
Breakfast Pizza and a hungry Gizmo

Breakfast Pizza and a hungry Gizmo

We like to bake our own pizzas (ok, they are called pizze in plural). But to bake your own pizza, you need a good pizza dough. I have tried several through the years, but no one has given me a better crust than the one from kvalimad.dk

Kvalimad, has different options depending on how good you are to plan ahead, but I really like his start in the morning dough. 

10 hour pizza dough

Makes 4 thin crust pizze.


  • 625-650 g all-purpose flour
  • 450 ml (17/8 cups) water 
  • 50 ml olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons (14 g) salt
  • 3 g live yeast or about ¼ teaspoon dry yeast


Dissolve the yeast in the water, if using dry yeast sprinkle a few pinches sugar in the water too. Add the rest of the ingredients and knead the dough for about 5 minutes in a stand mixer. (Knead a little longer if kneading by hand). The dough should now be somewhat sticky and elastic. 

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let the dough rise for about 8 hours on the kitchen counter.

Pour the dough onto a lightly floured workspace, fold the dough over 3-4 times and divide the dough into 4 rounds 

Sprinkle the rounds with flour and let them rise for another 2 hours, covered.

Now the dough is ready to use. 


The One Hour Dough

Makes 4 thin crust pizze.

This dough works, but it won't have the same crust and flavor, but it's still better than a frozen pizza from the grocery store.


  • 625-650 g all-purpose flour
  • 450 ml (17/8 cups) water 
  • 50 ml olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons (14 g) salt
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • 12 g live yeast or about 3 g dry yeast


Dissolve the yeast in half of the water in the bowl of the stand mixer. If using dry yeast sprinkle a few pinches sugar in the water too.

Bring the rest of the water to a boil. Add oil, salt and vinegar to the bowl with half of the flour. Mix in half of the hot water. Add the rest of the flour and knead the dough for about 10 minutes in the stand mixer. Put the hot water into the mixing bowl for the stand mixer. (Knead a little longer if kneading by hand). The dough should now be somewhat sticky and elastic. 

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let the dough rise for about 30 minutes on the kitchen counter.

Pour the dough onto a lightly floured workspace, fold the dough over 3-4 times and divide the dough into 4 rounds 

Sprinkle the rounds with flour and let them rise for another 30 minutes, covered.

Now the dough is ready to use. 

Source: Kvalimad.dk