Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.


Cold Asparagus Soup

Appetizer, Dinner, SoupTove Balle-PedersenComment
Cold Asparagus Soup

Cold Asparagus Soup

I have always known an asparagus soup as a white hot creamy soup. And there is nothing wrong with the classic soup, not at all. But for me it's more a soup for the winter months. The fine new delicate white asparagus you're able to get in the stores or farmers markets in the spring has a sweet and delicate taste, which is perfect in a cool soup like this. 

Serves 10 as an appetizer.


  • 2 bunches white asparagus, washed, peeled and sliced, save the tops for later
  • 3 leeks, only the white part, washed and sliced
  • 750 ml water
  • 1 tablespoon chicken paste (I use Better than Bouillon*)
  • ¾ cup (1½ dl) white wine, use a non oaky one
  • ½ cup (1 dl) dry sherry (I used a cooking sherry)
  • 227 g creme fraiche (I used Cowgirl Creamy Creme Fraiche)
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • salt to taste


  • dry chorizo, thinly sliced and fried to crispy
  • asparagus tops (save some of the tops, and blanch them briefly)


Bring water, chicken paste, wine and sherry to a simmer in a medium pot over high heat. Add asparagus and leeks and cook until tender when pierced with the tip of a knife, 8-12 minutes, for thin to medium thick asparagus. Transfer asparagus and leeks to a blender with a small amount of the liquid. Add the creme fraiche and some of the lemon juice, and blend until smooth. Add more of the cooking liquid if the blended soup is too thick.  Season the soup with salt and lemon juice.

In the leftover cooing liquid, give the asparagus tops a quick blanching. (Bring to a boil, and quickly cool down in ice water.) Put the tops in the refrigerator.

Chill the soup in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours or overnight. 

Just before serving fry up the chorizo until crispy.

Serve the soup in small glass bowls with a small amount of topping.



* I use Better Than Bouillon pastes in my dishes. I think it has a better flavor than the dry bouillon cubes or other brand name stocks. And I think that the paste has seen real ingredients like chicken, beef and vegetables. But I do believe that du get the best flavor by using your own homemade stock. But to be honest, I rarely have time to make homemade stocks. 

Inspired by "Spise med Price"

The Danish version:


Kold aspargessuppe

10 portioner som forret. 


  • 2 Bundter hvide asparges, vaskede, skrællede, gem toppene til senere.
  • 3 porrer, kun den hvide del, vaskede og skivede
  • 750 ml vand
  • 1 spsk kyllinge pasta eller en hønsebouillonterning
  • 1½ dl hvidvin
  • 1 dl tør sherry 
  • 227 g creme fraiche (minimum 18%, men helst 38%)
  • 2 spsk citronsaft
  • salt efter smag


  • chorizo, tyndskåret og stegt sprød
  • aspargestoppe (blancheret kort)


Kog vand, bouillon, vin og sherry op i en gryde sammen med de skrællede asparges (minus hovederne) og porrer. Kog indtil aspargesne er møre, men stadig har lidt bid. ca.  8-12 minutter, alt efter tykkelse. Kom de kogte porrer og asparges over i en blender sammen med lidt af kogelagen, creme fraiche og lidt af citronsaften. Blend det indtil du får en jævn og ensartet suppe. Tilsæt mere af kogelagen, hvis suppen bliver for tyk. Smag suppen til med salt og citronsaft.

I den overskydende kogelage blancheres aspargeshovederne. (De bringes i kog og køles hurtigt ned i isvand.) Kom de blancherede hoveder i køleskabet indtil de skal bruges.

Afkøl suppen i køleskabet i minimum 3 timer før servering, eller natten over.

Lige før suppen skal serveres steges tynde skiver af choizoen til den bliver sprød.

Server suppen i små glasskåle eller glas, og kom lidt aspargeshoveder og choizo på toppen.


Asparagus with Parmesan

Dinner, Sides, VegetablesTove Balle-PedersenComment
Asparagus with Parmesan

Asparagus with Parmesan

My first memory of asparagus is from my parents vacation house. They had a big asparagus bush, in the middle of one of the flower beds. I remember my mom, breaking of some of the small asparagus shoots just out of the ground. There would only be a few shoots every month, and my parents ate them like a snack, only washed and completely raw. 

I don't remember having asparagus for dinner other than the canned version, but maybe we did.

As adult I really love asparagus, it's a really easy side to prepare, whether you grill, boil or eat them raw in a salad.

This is one of my favorite ways to cook asparagus. The cream gets infused with the taste of asparagus, and the salty/nutty parmesan completes the dish. Actually if you just add some boiled fresh pasta, you can call it dinner.

What are you looking for when you buy asparagus?

Look for spears that are nice and firm, best of all is if you can find locally grown asparagus in season. Enjoy asparagus the day you purchase them, or wrap the bases in a damp paper towel, place in a plastic bag, and refrigerate for up to a few days.

I like the thinner asparagus, but if you are going to grill them, I would go for the thicker ones, so they won’t dry out, while grilling.

The most delicate part of the asparagus is the top of the spear.

How to prepare asparagus for cooking

When you prepare your asparagus for cooking, there are 2 schools. Either you cut the ends off and/or peel them, or you snap off the ends. I like to snap the ends off. 

Hold each stalk about half way down its length and at the thick end. Now bend it until it snaps. Discard the  little stub, or use it for flavor in a soup or casserole. 

Serves 4


  • 1 bunch green asparagus
  • butter or oil, just to cover the bottom of the skillet
  • 100 ml whipping cream
  • ¼-½ cup (1 dl) parmesan cheese, freshly grated


Melt butter in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add asparagus and cook for about 5 minutes, turning asparagus to ensure even cooking. The asparagus will turn more vibrant green. Ad the cream, and cook it down to about half. Add the half of the parmesan, and stir until the cheese is melted. Plate the asparagus and sprinkle with the rest of the parmesan. Serve immediately.



The Danish version

Asparges med Parmesan

Til 4 personer


  • 1 bundt grønne asparges
  • smør eller olie, kun nok til at dække bunden af panden
  • 1 dl piskefløde
  • 1 dl parmesan, revet


Smelt smørret på panden og steg aspargesne i ca 5 minutter, vend den undervejs, så de ale bliver tilberedt samtidig. Aspargesne bliver mere klargrønne af opvarmningen. Tilsæt fløden, og kog den ind til ca. halvdelen. Tilsæt så halvdelen af osten. Rør rundt i "saucen" indtil osten er smeltet. Server Aspargesen med resten af osten drysset over.


Sous-Vide Duck Breast

Christmas, Dinner, Meats, Poultry, sous videTove Balle-Pedersen1 Comment
Sous-Vide Duck Breast with Citrus Salad with Liquorice-vinaigrette 

Sous-Vide Duck Breast with Citrus Salad with Liquorice-vinaigrette 

I really like the meat from a duck, especially the breasts. If you cook it to long it will dry out, but served medium-rare to medium is the most tender juicy piece of meat you can get. Since I got my Anova sous-vide cooker I have been longing to cook the duck breast sous-vide. Today was the day.


  • 2 Duck Breasts
  • Salt


Wash you hands very thoroughly, when handling the duck. You don't want to cross-contaminate other foods or the duck. So keep your work station clean and tidy all the time. 

Refrigerate duck breasts on paper towel-lined plate overnight. This will allow some of the juices to evaporate, and you get a firmer breast in the end.

Have the vacuum bags pre-sealed in one end (doh!). Fold the rim out, so you don't get any grease or water on the place you need to seal the bags. Have the salt and pepper you want to use in small bowls, so you don't get any "duck" in the salt you're not using. 

Take the duck breasts out and score the skin in a harlequin pattern with a sharp knife. Season them with salt and pepper. Place them in the vacuum bags, vacuum and seal them. (I seal them twice just to be on the safe side.)

Place them in 135℉ (57℃) water bath for at least 45 minutes and up to 3 hours. I stopped after 2 hours, no need to go the limit with this delicate meat. Remove duck from bags and dry thoroughly with paper towels.

Place breasts skin side-down in heavy-bottomed non-stick or cast iron skillet and set over high heat until sizzling, about 2 minutes, then reduce heat to medium and cook  until golden brown and crisp, about 5 minutes. Make sure that you get good contact between skillet and the skin. You won't need any oil, the fat from the duck will render and give you plenty of fat for the searing. Flip  the breasts and cook the other side until slightly seared.

Slice the breasts thinly and serve with your favorite sides. One of my favorites is caramelized potatoespicked red cabbage or Citrus Salad with Liquorice-vinaigrette.




Porchetta on the BBQ

BBQ, Dinner, MeatsTove Balle-Pedersen1 Comment
Porchetta - just of the BBQ

Porchetta - just of the BBQ

I made porchetta before I started with this blog, but I knew I had to make again and again and again. Like a Danish pork roast aka flæskesteg, the porchetta has the crackling pork skin aka flæskesvær, that makes this dish so perfect. The crispy and salty skin goes perfect with the soft juicy pork seasoned with all kinds of goodness. 

If you can get hold of a meaty pork belly and make the porchetta it might be the best BBQ meal you've ever had. But if the pork belly is mostly fat, it won't be that great. Well, you still have excellent  cracklings.

This time I was lucky to find a nice piece of pork belly in my local Whole Foods Market. It was so meaty, with only thin lines of fat between the meat. This called for a porchetta, even though it would mean a late dinner for us.


  • 5-6 pounds (2½-3 kg) Pork belly with skin on

  • ½ cup (1 dl) breadcrumbs, fresh and finely chopped

  • 1 cup chopped parsley

  • 1 large onion, chopped

Spice rub:

  • 2 lemons, zest of

  • 3-4 garlic cloves, minced

  • 1 tablespoon whole black pepper, cracked

  • 1 teaspoon fennel seeds, toasted and cracked

  • 4 bay leaves

  • 2 sprigs rosemary

  • salt - quite a lot



Let the pork belly sit at room temperature for 2 hours.

Make a spice blend from lemon zest, garlic, rosemary, toasted fennel seeds, bay leaves, salt and pepper.

Try to roll up the pork belly, and remove the part of the skin, that will be rolled up inside the porchetta. If you don’t do that, you’ll have a chewy rubbery piece of skin inside your porchetta. 

Place the pork belle skin-side down on your kitchen counter. Spread the spice rub, onions, parsley and breadcrumbs. 

Roll up the pork belly tight, and tie the roast crosswise at 1-inch (2½ cm) intervals with butcher's string. 



Insert the grill rotisserie, spear into the center of the roast. Rub the porchetta with olive oil and a good amount of salt. Let the porchette roast for 2-4 hours until the skin is chrisp and dark golden brown, and the center temperature is about 140℉ (60℃). Use indirect heat.

Let the Porchetta rest for about 20 minutes before serving.

Slice the porchetta and serve in a hamburger bun and/or with a good salad.



The Danish version:

Porchetta on the BBQ


  • 2½-3 kg svineslag

  • 1 dl hakket daggammelt lyst brød uden skorpe

  • 2 dl hakket persille

  • 1 stor løg, hakket


  • 2 citroner, skallen fra

  • 3-4 fed hvidløg, pressede

  • 1 spsk hel sort peber, meget groft kværnet

  • 1 tsk fennikel frø, tørristede og groft kværnede

  • 4 laurbærblade

  • 2 kviste rosemarin

  • salt - Ret meget


  • Roterende grillspyd


Lad svineslaget ligge et par timer på køkkenbordet, så det opnår stuetemperatur.

Bland ingredienserne til krydderiblandingen.

Rul svineslaget og fjern den del af  sværen som vil være rullet ind i porchettaen. Denne del af sværen vil blive sej og gummiagtig, hvis den steger med. 

Læg svineslaget med sværen nedad og spred krydderiblandingen, løg, persille og brød på kødet. 

Rul svineslaget stramt op som en stor rullepølse og snør den stramt, med ca. 2½ cm imellem snorene.

Spid stegen med det store grilspyd, og sæt den på grillen og motoren. Smør porchettaen ind med olie og en del salt. Steg porchettaen i ca. 2 timer indtil sværen er brun og sprød, og kødet har en center temperatur på ca 60℃. Brug indirekte varme.

Lad Porchettaen hvile i ca. 20 minutter inden serveringen.

Skær porchettaen og server den i en burgerbolle og/eller med en god salat.



Lasagne Soup

Dinner, Meats, SoupTove Balle-PedersenComment
Lasagne Soup

Lasagne Soup

Lasagne is the ultimate comfort food for me, so why not make the dish into a yummy hearty soup?


  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 pound (450 g) ground beef
  • 1 large onions, chopped 
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 teaspoons oregano
  • 1 teaspoon thyme
  • 1 teaspoon basil
  • 1 teaspoon rosemary
  • ½ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 can fire roasted diced tomatoes
  • 1 cup red wine (optional)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 5-6 cups (1½ l) Beef stock (I used leftovers from my beef soup)
  • 1 handful pasta (I used  XX)
  • ½ cup finely chopped fresh basil leaves
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


  • 1 cup (240 ml) sour cream or creme fraiche
  • ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 pinch of freshly ground pepper
  • ¼ cup finely chopped fresh basil leaves
  • shredded mozzarella cheese 


Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the beef, breaking it up into bite sized pieces, and brown for about 5 minutes. 

Add onions and cook until softened, then add garlic, and spices. Cook for 1 minute. Add tomato paste and heat it through, until the tomato paste turns a rusty brown color.

Add diced tomatoes, bay leaves and beef stock. Stir to combine. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and let it simmer for about 30 minutes. The longer you let it cook, the deeper the flavors become. 

Add uncooked pasta and cook until al dente. Right before serving stir in the basil and season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

While the pasta is cooking, prepare the topping. In a small bowl combine all but the mozzarella, and season with salt and pepper.

Serve the soup in bowls with a dollop of the topping and som sheredded mozzarella on top.


The Danish version:



  • 2 tsk olivenolie
  • 450 g hakket oksekød
  • 1 stort løg, groft hakket 
  • 4 fed hvidløg, presset
  • 2 tsk oregano
  • 1 tsk timian
  • 1 tsk basilikum
  • 1 tsk rosmarin
  • ½ tsk chiliflager
  • 2 spsk konc. tomatpuré
  • 1 dåse hakkede tomater 
  • 2½ dl rødvin (behøves ikke, men giver mere dybde i smagen)
  • 2 laurbærblade
  • 1½ l okseboullion (jeg brugte resterne af min oksekødssuppe)
  • 1 håndfuld pasta 
  • 1 dl hakket frisk basilikum
  • salt og friskkværnet peber, smag retten til


  • 240 ml creme fraiche
  • 1 dl friskrevet parmesan 
  • ¼ tsk salt
  • 1 knsp friskkværnet peber
  • ½ dl hakket frisk basilikum
  • revet mozzarella


Varm olien i en tykbundet gryde, og brun det hakkede oksekød heri. Sørg for at kødet bliver findelt, mens det brunes. Tilsæt løg, hvidløg og krydderierne, og steg i et par minutter indtil løgene er blevet bløde. Tilsæt tomatpureen og varm den igennem, til den får en rødbrun farve, Dette tage lidt af syren i tomatpureen.

Tilsæt de hakkede tomater, rødvin, laurbærblade og oksebouillonen. Lad suppen simre i omkring 30 minutter. Jo længre tid den koger, jo dybere bliver smagen.

Kom den ukogte pasta i suppen og kog indtil den er al dente.  Kom den friske basilikum i suppen lige før serveringen. Smag suppen til med salt og peber. 

Mens pastaen koger i suppen, mix toppingen. Bland alt undtagen mozzarellaen  og smag det til med salt og peber.

Server suppen i skåle med en klat topping og revet mozzarella på toppen
