Guacamole Deviled Eggs
Easter is upon us and it is time for a lot of easter egg dishes. I didn't have deviled eggs before we moved to the US, but they are really good.
I’m sure there are as many deviled eggs recipes as there are families, but have you ever had a guacamole deviled egg? Compared with regular deviled eggs made with mustard, you have real devils here, from the spiciness of the jalapeño. The avocado makes the deviled egg healthier because you get the creaminess from the avocado and don’t have to use mayonnaise.
Makes 12
6 hard boiled eggs
2 ripe avocados
1 tablespoon lime juice
½ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sour cream
1-2 tablespoon chopped cilantro + 12 leaves for garnish
½ jalapeño pepper, minced
¼ teaspoon cumin
Hard boil eggs:
Place eggs in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to a rolling boil. Turn the heat down so the water is simmering, cook for 7 minutes from when the water starts to boil. Drain and rinse with cold water.
Deviled Eggs:
Carefully peel the hard boiled eggs and cut them in half. If you don't have a deviled egg platter, cut a little slice of the bottom, so the egg won't wobble then served. Place eggs on a serving platter, and scoop out the cooked yolks and set aside.
Cut the avocados in half. Remove the pit. Scoop out the avocado flesh into a bowl. Mash it with a fork. Mix two of the cooked egg yolks in the mashed avocado. Add lime juice, salt, cumin and sour cream, and mix until incorporated. Fold in the chopped cilantro and the jalapeño pepper.
Put the mixture into a pastry bag and pipe it into each well of the egg whites. Top with a small sprig of fresh cilantro.
Now the Danish version:
Guacamole Deviled Eggs
12 stk.
6 hårdkogte æg
2 modne avocadoer
1 spsk limesaft
½ tsk salt
1 spsk creme fraiche
1-2 spsk hakket frisk koriander + 12 blade til pynt
½ jalapeño, finthakket
¼ tsk spidskommen
Hårdkogte æg:
Kom æggene i en gryde og kom vand på til det dækker. Kog æggene 7 minutter fra vandet starter med at koge. Hæld vandet fra og nedkøl æggene med koldt vand. Pil æggene.
Deviled Eggs:
Skær de pillede æg i halve. Hvis du ikke har et fad med fordybninger som æggene kan ligge i, så skær en lille stykke af bunden på ægget, så det ikke vipper, når du skal fylde dem. Tag forsigtigt blommen ud af æggene.
Skær avocadoerne over og tag stenene ud. Kom avoccadokødet ned i en skål. Mos avocadoen og bland æggeblommer, limesaft, salt, spidskommen og creme fraiche til en homogen masse. Vend koriander og jalapeño ned i.
Kom massen i en sprøjte pose og sprøjt massen ned i æggehviderne. Pynt æggene med et koriander blad.