Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.


Koldskål - Cold Sweet Buttermilk Soup

Desserts, Dinner, SoupTove Balle-Pedersen3 Comments
Strawberry Koldskål - Cold Sweet Strawberry Buttermilk Soup

Strawberry Koldskål - Cold Sweet Strawberry Buttermilk Soup

Koldskål, or kærnemælkskoldskål, is a sweet cold soup made from buttermilk. Koldskål is mostly eaten in the summer months. It's normally a dessert, but is also served as a light and fast dinner on a hot day.

My mom made koldskål with eggs, sugar, vanilla and buttermilk, but I make mine without eggs, and I think it's just as good. Sometimes I add some whipping cream to make it more creamy. Serve the koldskål the traditional way with lemon juice, kammerjunker and an iceberg (raw meringue), or with a sprinkle of granola. Koldskål is easy to change up by adding your favorite fruit, I used Strawberries here.

This is my first time making koldskål in my vitamix, and I think I got way to much air incorporated this time, Next time, I'll mix the koldskål at a lower speed, to avoid all the bubbles. 


  • 1 quart buttermilk

  • 170 ml (6 fl oz) yogurt with vanilla

  • 1 dl whipping cream (optional)

  • 1 lemon, the juice of, (I used the juice of 2 meyer lemons)

  • 85 g sugar (start with a little less, and add more if needed)

  • 1 vanilla pod, the seeds from, or 1 teaspoon vanilla paste

For Strawberry koldskål, add 6-12 strawberries.


Put all the ingredients into a blender, and blend until you have a homogenous mixture. Add more sugar and/or lemon juice if needed.

Serve the koldskål cold and with the topping of your liking.


Koldskål - Cold Sweet Buttermilk Soup

Koldskål - Cold Sweet Buttermilk Soup

Triple-Smoke Burger

Dinner, MeatsTove Balle-Pedersen1 Comment
Triple-smoke Burger

Triple-smoke Burger

We are heading into the BBQ season, and this is one of my all-time favorite homemade burgers. The sweet onion, creamy avocado, salty bacon, the spicy chipotle sauce and patty, makes this burger perfect. This is a must try recipe for the summer BBQ's.

The 3 smokey elements in this burger is bacon, smoked paprika and chipotle. 

Serves 3


Chipotle Sauce:

  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream
  • 1 tablespoons minced chipotle in adobo, including some sauce

Burger Patty:

  • 450 g (1 pound) ground beef chuck, not lean
  • 2 teaspoons sweet smoked paprika
  • 1 tablespoons minced chipotle in adobo, including some sauce
  • 1 egg
  • ¾ teaspoon salt 


  • 6 bacon slices
  • 1 large red onion
  • 1 firm-ripe avocado
  • olive oil, for brushing on onion 
  • 3 hamburger buns (this time I used a store bought bun)
  • lettuce 
  • cilantro sprigs


Working in batches cook bacon in a skillet over medium heat, turning occasionally, until crisp; transfer to paper towels to drain. (Or cook the bacon the way you are accustomed to.)

Cut the onion into ½-inch thick rounds, pierce them stuck with a metal skewer to keep the onion round together when you are grilling it. Brush both sides of the onion slices with olive oil, set aside.

Chipotle Sauce: 

Purée the chipotle in adobo sauce in a food processor or blender. Mix 1 tablespoon of the puréed chipotle with mayonnaise and sour cream in a small bowl, set aside.

Burger Patty:

Gently mix beef with 1 tablespoon chipotle, paprika, egg and salt until combined. Form into 3 patties, set aside. 

Peel and slice the avocado, rinse the lettuce and cilantro and toast the hamburger buns, so you are ready to put the burgers together.

Preheat the grill to medium heat. (Grill the onions and patties over direct heat.)

Oil grill rack before grilling the onions, turning over once, until softened and slightly charred, about 2 to 3 minutes total. Grill patties, covered only if using a gas grill, until they are well-done, about 5-6 minutes on each side.

Spread chipotle sauce on buns, and make burgers with lettuce, avocado, bacon, onion, and cilantro.


And now the Danish version:

Triple-Smoke Burger


Chipotle Sauce:

  • 2 spsk mayonnaise
  • 2 spsk creme fraiche
  • 1 spsk chipotle in adobo sauce, husk at bruge saucen


  • 450 g hakket oksekød (ikke fedtfattigt) 
  • 2 tsk røget paprika
  • 1 spsk chipotle i adobo, husk at bruge saucen
  • 1 æg
  • ¾ tsk salt 


  • 6 skiver bacon 
  • 1 stort rødløg 
  • 1 moden avocado
  • oliven olie, til at pensle løget med 
  • 3 burgerboller (Jeg brugte købe boller her)
  • salat
  • et par kviste frisk koriander


Steg baconen til den er sprød, læg den stegte bacon på noget køkkenrulle for at suge det overskydende fedt. 

Skær løget i ca 1,25 cm tykke skiver. Spid løgskiverne med et grillspyd, læg skiven fladt på skærebrættet og pres forsigtigt spydet igennem alle ringene, så løget holder formen under stegningen. Pensel begge sider med olie.

Chipotle Sauce: 

Purer chipotle i adobo sauce'en i en mini blender og bland 1 spsk af det med mayonnaise og creme fraicheen i en lille skål.


Bland kødet med chipotle, paprika, æg og salt sammen i en skål. Lav tre bøffer af kødet.

Skræl avocadoen, vask salaten og korianderen og varm eller rist bollerne, så du har alt klart, når du skal samle burgeren. 

Opvarm grillen til medium varme. Bøf og løg skal steges over direkte varme.

Kom olie på grillen og grill løgene, vend dem én gang. Grill dem til de bliver klare og lidt brunede, ca 2-3 minutter ialt.  Grill bøfferne, med lukket låg hvis du bruger en gasgrill, indtil de er gennemstegte, ca 5-6 minutter på hver side.

Smør chipotle saucen på bollerne, og saml burgeren med salat, bøf, løg, avocado og koriander.


20-Minute Seafood Pasta

Dinner, Fish & seafood, PastaTove Balle-Pedersen2 Comments
20-Minute Seafood Pasta

20-Minute Seafood Pasta

Some days you just need to make dinner in a hurry but you still want something tasty. This pasta dish is perfect for these days. Basically you need pasta, crabmeat, Lemon and some wine to make this dish. Adding a splash of cream tomatoes and parsley makes the dish even better.


  • 1-2 teaspoons olive oil 
  • 450 g (16 oz) crab meat, lump and/or claw meat 
  • 1 dl (about ⅓ cup) white wine
  • 1 dl (about ⅓ cup) lemon juice
  • 1 dl (about ⅓ cup) cream
  • 2 tomatoes, diced
  • 2 tablespoons Italian parsley, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons grated parmesan
  • 1 lemon for garnish


Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package.

Heat the olive oil in a sauté pan and heat the cooked crab meat. Pour in wine and cream and bring the liquid to a boil. Add the lemon juice and lower the heat. When the pasta is al dente, drain it and pour the pasta into the sauce. Add diced tomatoes, parmesan and parsley, and toss it to combine.

Serve immediately with a slice of lemon and more parmesan.



Marinated Salmon

Fish & seafood, DinnerTove Balle-Pedersen2 Comments
Marinated Salmon

Marinated Salmon

I wanted to try a new way to make my salmon. We love salmon in my house, and we have it frequently, and I needed a new easy recipe. I found a picture on Pinterest where they used soy and brown sugar, witch made me think of the marinade from my angry tacos, from where I got my inspiration.

Serves 2


  • 2 pieces salmon, serving size
  • lemon pepper
  • salt


  • ⅓ cup (80 ml) soy sauce
  • ⅓ cup (60 g) brown sugar
  • ¼ cup (60 ml) warm water
  • ⅓ cup (80 ml) grape seed oil
  • grated ginger, to taste
  • ½ jalapeño pepper
  • 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro



In a bowl, whisk the cilantro, brown sugar, oil, soy sauce, jalapeños, and coriander to blend well. Reserve ¼ cup of the marinade for dressing the slaw. Pour the rest of the marinade into a ziplock bag and place the salmon in the  marinade and turn to coat. Marinate for at least 20 minutes or up to 2 hours in refrigerator. 

Preheat stove grill for medium heat, and lightly oil grill grates. (I used a Le Creuset cast iron grill)

Place salmon on hot grill. Cook salmon for 4-6 minutes per side, or until the salmon flakes easily with a fork. Be careful not to overcook the salmon, nobody like a piece of dry fish.

Serve with an easy slaw a la this one.


The danish version:

Marineret Laks


  • 2 stykker laks
  • citronpeber
  • salt


  • 80 ml soyasauce
  • 60 g brun farin
  • 60 ml varmt vand
  • 80 ml vindruekerne olie
  • revet ingefær, alt efter smag
  • ½ jalapeño 
  • 2 tsk frisk koriander



Bland alle ingredienser i en skål, og rør indtil sukkeret er opløst. Hvis du laver en "coleslaw" så tag ½-¾ dl marinade fra til dressing. 

Kom marinaden i en frysepose, og kom laksen i. Lad fisken marinere i mindst 20 minutter, eller op til 2 timer i køleskabet.

Varm en grillpande op til den er godt varm. Pensel panden med lidt olie og steg laksen 4-6 minutter på hver side, eller indtil laksen ikke længere er gennemsigtige lyserød. Pas på med ikke at give laksen for meget, da den bliver kedelig når den er tør.

Server laksen med en hurtig “coleslaw" evt, den jeg bruger til Angry Tacos. (Kinakål, gulerod, forårsløg, jalapeño, frisk koriander og den ubrugte marinade som dressing)




Stjerneskud - Shooting Star

Dinner, Fish & seafood, LunchTove Balle-Pedersen4 Comments
Stjerneskud - Shooting Star

Stjerneskud - Shooting Star

Stjerneskud, or shooting star, is a classic Danish open-faced sandwich. The kind you would see at most lunch restaurants or cafés in Denmark. A stjerneskud is white bread, with a piece of fried and poached fish and cold-water shrimps.

Serves 2


* Poaching:

  • white wine
  • lemon juice
  • salt
  • white pepper


* Poaching:

Preheat the oven to 400℉ (200℃).

Season the fillets with salt and white pepper. Roll up the filets and place them in an ovenproof dish with white wine and lemon juice. Cover the dish with aluminum foil. Poach the fish for 7-8 minutes. (If you poach the fish on the stove and start with barely simmering liquid, poach the fish for 5-6 minutes.)

Fry the fish and make the dressing.

Toast the bread. 

Arrange lettuce, fish fillets, dressing, shrimps, caviar, dill and place the slice of lemon on top.

Enjoy with a cold beer, cold white wine or a cold lemonade.