Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.


Passion fruit Ceviche

Appetizer, Dinner, Fish & seafoodTove Balle-PedersenComment
Passion fruit Ceviche

Passion fruit Ceviche

Ceviche is one of my favorite appetizers. I love the texture, the tanginess and in this version, the sweetness from the passionfruit. It all comes together in a perfect combination.

This time I served the ceviche with wonton chips, but even potato chips or crisp pita bread will work.

Eating Raw Seafood - What You Need To Know:

It's always best to cook seafood thoroughly to minimize the risk of food-borne illness. However, if you choose to eat raw fish anyway, one rule of thumb is to eat fish that has been previously frozen for 24 hours. FDA

Serves 4 as an appetizer.


  • 400 g halibut, salmon or a mix of both, cut into small cubes
  • 2 passion fruits, the juice of
  • 2 limes, the juice of
  • 1 tablespoon fresh cilantro leaves
  • 1 Serrano chili finely sliced
  • ¼ red onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 avocado chopped


Combine the lime, sieved passion fruit, and chili in a bowl. Add to the fish and make sure that it gets thoroughly coated. Cover the bowl  and let the fish marinate in the refrigerator  for 20-30 minutes.

When ready to serve, add the rest of the ingredients and mix it gently.

Serve the ceviche with crispy wontons or chips. 


The Danish version:

Forret til 4 personer.

Passionsfrugts ceviche


  • 400 g frisk hellefisk, laks eller en kombination
  • 2 passionfrugter, saften fra
  • 2 limes, saften fra
  • 1 spsk friske koriander blade
  • 1 Serrano chili, i tynde skiver
  • ¼ rødløg. i tynde skiver
  • 1 avocado i tern


Bland limesaften, passionsfrugtssaften med chili i en skål. Tilsæt fisken  og sørg for at den bliver blandet godt med saften. Det er saften der tilbereder fisken, så det er vigtigt at al fisken er vendt i saften. Dæk skålen til og sæt den i køleskabet i 20-30 minutter. 

Lige før serveringen, blandes resten af ingredienterne i. Det hele hældes i en serveringsskål og serveres med chips.



Danish Rye Bread revisited

Bread, Breakfast, Brunch, Dinner, LunchTove Balle-Pedersen3 Comments
Danish Rye Bread revisited

Danish Rye Bread revisited

I really like my other recipe for the rye bread, I think It is close to perfect to my taste. But I needed to make the process easier. I love using a scale for baking, but just adding the flour in deciliters makes it so much easier, when baking 2 breads at the time. 

Makes 2 big loafs


Sourdough Leaven: (You are not using it all in the recipe, you need to save some for next bake)

  • 200 g sourdough/starter (the starter you keep in the refrigerator and feed every other week)

  • 400 g water

  • 2 dl (110 g) rye flour

  • 2 dl (120 g) all-purpose flour

Berries and seeds:

  • 2 dl (135 g) flaxseeds

  • 2 dl (135 g) sunflower seeds

  • 2 dl (140 g) cracked rye

  • 2 dl (180 g) rye berries

  • 2 dl (160 g) bulgur (100% whole grain quick cooking bulgur wheat)

  • 2 dl (190 g) wheat berries (hard red spring wheat berries)


  • 1500 g water (use this to soak the berries and seeds)

  • 600 g sourdough leaven

  • 3 tablespoons salt

  • 1 splash food coloring (kulør) - optional

  • 2 teaspoons malted barley flour

  • 8 dl (440 g) rye flour (dark rye flour)

  • 4 dl (240 g) all-purpose flour


  • sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds or poppy seeds.


Day 1, morning: 

Feed the starter to make the leaven. The leaven will be ready to use when the leaven is bubbling and smells like beer, after about 8 hours at room temperature. Cover the leaven with a clean towel. 

Soak the berries and seeds in water in a large bow (I use to bowl because of the big amount). Cover the bowls with large plates. Let them soak at room temperature until the leaven is ready.

Day 1, night: 

Add the leaven to the soaked berries and seed. Cover the bowls with large plates. Let the mixture ferment overnight at room temperature . 

Save the leftover leaven and put it in the refrigerator in a sealed container. This will be your sourdough starter for the next batch of bread. It will keep without feeding for about 14 days in the refrigerator. *

Day 2, morning: 

Add the salt, coloring and the flours to the dough and mix thoroughly, to make sure all the flour is fully incorporated, let rise for about two hours.

Add the dough to two rye bread baking forms. (I use Eva Professionel Rye Bread Tin which holds 3,3 liters).

Let the bread rise for about an hour, covered with a clean towel. The longer you let it rise, the more sour the bread becomes.

Poke a few holes with a cake tester or a knitting needle, to prevent the crust to rise and crack.

Brush the bread with water and sprinkle with your favorite seeds.

Place the baking form in a preheated oven for 1 hour 15 minutes at 350°F (175℃). 

Turn off the heat, remove the breads from the baking forms, spray with water on all sides and place them back in the oven directly on the rack for about an hour, while the oven cools.

Take the breads out and wrap them in an clean kitchen towel. This will help softening the crust. Let breads cool completely.

Rye bread

Rye bread

It's best to wait cutting the bread until the next day. 

Enjoy the bread with your favorite deli meat or cheese. 

* Feeding: Discard half of the sourdough/starter and add ½ cup rye flour, ½ cup all-purpose flour and 1 cup water. Mix well, and let ferment for about 8 hours at room temperature.


The Danish version:




  • 200 g surdej/starter (Den surdej du har i køleskabet og fodre hver 14. dag)

  • 400 g vand

  • 2 dl (110 g) rugmel

  • 2 dl (120 g) hvedemel

Korn og frø:

  • 2 dl (135 g) hørfrø

  • 2 dl (135 g) solsikkefrø

  • 2 dl (140 g) knækkede rugkerner

  • 2 dl (180 g) hele rugkerner

  • 2 dl (160 g) bulgur (grov bulgur)

  • 2 dl (190 g) hele hvedekorn


  • 1500 g vand

  • 600 g nyfodret surdej

  • 3 spsk salt

  • 1 slat kulør - valgfrit

  • 2 tsk maltmel

  • 8 dl (440 g) rugmel

  • 4 dl (240 g) hvedemel


  • solsikkefrø, græskarkerner, sesamfrø eller birkes.


Dag 1, morgen: 

Fodr surdejen for at gøre den klar til bagningen. Lad surdejen stå tildækket på køkkenbordet i ca 8 timer, indtil den bobler lystigt og lugter af øl. 

Udblød frø og kerner i vandet i et par store skåle ved stuetemperatur. Dæk skålene med store tallerkener. Lad kernerne stå indtil surdejen også er klar til brug.

Dag 1, aften: 

Kom de 600 g surdej over i de udblødte kerner. Dæk skålene med store tallernener igen og lad blandingen fermentere/gære natten over ved stuetemperatur.

Gem resterne af surdejen i en lufttæt beholder. Dette er surdejen du skal fodre inden næste bagning. Surdejen kan holde sig i ca. 14 dage i køleskabet imellem fodringer.*

Dag 2, morgen: 

Tilsæt salt og kulør til kernerne. Tilsæt melet, bland det godt sammen, indtil der ikke er mellommer i dejen. Lad dejen hæve i ca 2. timer på køkkenbordet. 

Fordel dejen i 2 rugbrødsforme. (Jeg bruger Eva Professionel Rye Bread Tin).

Lad brødene hæve tildækket på køkkenbordet i endnu 1 time. Jo længere brødene hæver jo mere surt bliver brødet.

Prik små huller med en nål eller strikkepind, for at undgå at skorpen hæver og knækker under bagningen.

Pensl brødene med vand og drys med frø på toppen.

Bag brødene 1 time og 15 minuttewr ved 180℃. 

Sluk for ovnen, og tag brødene ud af formene. Dryp vand på brødene og sæt dem tilbage i ovnen på eftervarmen i omkring 1 time.

Tag brødene ud og pak dem ind i et rent viskestykke, og lad dem køle helt af.

Brødene er letteste at skære dagen efter de er bagt.

Nyd brødet med dit yndlings pålæg.


* en fodring er: smid halvdelen af surdejen ud og tilsæt 1 dl hvedemel, 1 dl rugmel og 2 dl vand. Rør det sammen og lad det fermentere/gære på køkkenbordet i ca 8 timer.


This post has been submitted to the Yeast Spotting Site.

Pork Roast Sandwich - Flæskestegssandwich

BBQ, Bread, Dinner, Meats, PorkTove Balle-Pedersen1 Comment
Pork Roast Sandwich - Flæskestegssandwich

Pork Roast Sandwich - Flæskestegssandwich

We had a BBQ this weekend, and we served flæskestegssandwiches aka pork roast sandwiches. It was way easier than serving burgers. You don't need to flip burgers at the hot grill all day. Just make the bread/buns, red cabbage and danish cucumber salad in advance and grill the roast, before the guests arrives. Then you just need to slice the roast, whenever you are ready to eat. This sandwich is a crowd pleaser.

 In Denmark you can get pork roast sandwich at good hotdog stands (Pølsevogne), and it’s the perfect hangover food.



Toast and slice the bread, and assemble the sandwich to you’re liking. I love a bit of miracle whip, pork roast, red cabbage and some cucumber salad in mine.

Grilled Salmon Kebabs

BBQ, Dinner, Fish & seafoodTove Balle-PedersenComment
Grilled Salmon Kebabs

Grilled Salmon Kebabs

Salmon kebabs are light, delicious and a perfect dish for a summer night BBQ. The kebabs are very easy to make, especially if you have double skewers, otherwise I will recommend using two single skewers for each kebab, so the fish doesn’t turn on the skewers.  I served the kebabs with boiled fingerling potatoes and a creme fraiche dip with fresh dill, salmon roe and lemon.



  • 1 pound skinless salmon fillet, cut into 1-inch (2.5 cm) pieces
  • 1 lemon, sliced very thinly
  • 1 tablespoon fresh dill
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • pepper
  • olive oil 
  • 4 bamboo skewer soaked in water for at least 1 hour


  • 8 oz (226 g) creme fraiche or sour cream 
  • 1 bunch fresh dill, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons salmon roe or other roe
  • lemon juice
  • salt and pepper to taste



Season the creme fraiche with pepper, lemon juice and dill, wait with the salt, because the roe is salty. Fold in the roe, and season with salt if needed. Set dip aside in refrigerator until ready for serving.


Prepare grill for medium heat.

Beginning and ending with salmon, spear salmon and folded lemon slices onto 4 double skewers. Drip with lemon juice and brush with oil. Season with salt, pepper and dill.

Grill, turning twice, until fish is opaque throughout, about 5-8 minutes.


Steak Rolls - Benløse Fugle

Beef, Dinner, MeatsTove Balle-PedersenComment
Steak Rolls - Benløse Fugle

Steak Rolls - Benløse Fugle

As a child we sometimes had steak rolls, or “benløse fugle" (directly translated: Birds with no legs - sounds weird, right?) This was thin slices of meat wrapped around a piece of smoked speck. To be honest that was not one of my favorites. But the thought of swapping the speck with a smoked cheese might be a way to give this old-school dish a new life. 

It totally worked. The spiciness from the chili and the smoked cheese with the meat, made a perfect flavorful combination. It won't be the last time I make these steak rolls.


  • 4 thin slices skirt steak like the meat you use for carne asada
  • 4 small blocks smoked gouda, the size of string cheese
  • 1 handful spinach
  • 8 small slices sun-dried tomatoes
  • 1 jalapeño, divided in 4, lengthwise 
  • salt & pepper
  • oil for searing


Season the steak pieces generously on both sides with salt and pepper.

Take a strip of the steak and lay it with the short side towards you. Place some spinach leaves, a slice jalapeño, 2 pieces of tomatoes and one block of cheese in the middle and roll the steak up over the filling, securing it with a toothpick along the length of the roll. Repeat with the last three steak rolls.

Preheat the oven to 400℉ (200℃)

In an ovenproof skillet, heat a splash of grape-seed oil over medium-high heat. When hot add the steak rolls, sear them on all sides. Place the skillet in the oven and let it roast for about 15 minutes, until the steak rolls are done, when the cheese are expanded out of the rolls. Serve the rolls with your favorite sides.



The Danish version:

Benløse fugle


  • 4 tynde stykker oksekød såsom flanke- eller flapkød
  • 4 bjælker røget gouda, på str. med ostehaps
  • 1 håndfuld spinat
  • 8 små stykker soltørrede tomater
  • 1 jalapeño, delt i 4, på langs 
  • salt & peber
  • olie til stegningen


Krydder kødet med salt og peber.

Læg et stykke af oksekødet på skærebrættet, med den korte side henimod dig. Læg lidt spinatblade, ¼ jalapeño, lidt soltørret tomat og en ostebjælke på kødet, tættest dig selv. Rul kødet rundt om fyldet og "lås" rullen med en tandstik eller kødnål. Gentage med de sidste 3 kødstykker. 

Forvarm ovnen til 200℃.

Brun rullerne på alle sider i en pande, der kan gå i ovnen, i lidt vindruekeneolie. Sæt panden i oven i ca. 15 minutter, indtil rullerne er møre og osten er "vokset" lidt ud af rullerne.

Server de benløse fugle med dine foretrukne grøntsager. 
