Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

Boil cake - No-bake cake

CakeTove Balle-PedersenComment
Boil cake - No-bake cake

Boil cake - No-bake cake

Boil a cake - it sound crazy. But my mom boiled this cake all through my childhood. In my school we had a class-gathering in the classroom the last day before our christmas- and summer break. We all had to bring some kind of snack, and I always brought this Boil cake. 

Actually it's just at pound cake "baked" in a French Savarin Pan floating in a big pot of soft simmering water. It is a bit tricky to make, because if any water get into the batter the cake is ruined. But when you get the hang of it, the result is a very juicy and soft cake without any dark brown caramelization. My mom topped the cake with an icing made from confectionary sugar, orange juice and orange zest. 


  • 200 g Butter (salted and soft)

  • 150 g sugar

  • 2 teaspoon vanilla paste

  • 4 eggs

  • 200 g all-purpose flour

  • 1 teaspoon baking powder


  • confectionary sugar

  • 1 orange (some of the juice and zest)


Fill a large pot with water and bring it to a simmer. The French Savarin pan should be able to float freely in the pot. Well, my pot was not large enough, but it works anyway.

In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar until very light and fluffy, mix in the vanilla paste. Add the eggs one at a time, and mix just until fully incorporated. Fold in the dry ingredients. 

Boiling of the cake.

Boiling of the cake.

Pour the batter into the Pan.

Place the pan in the pot and DO NOT put a lid on. The condensation will drip into the batter and ruin the cake. 

Boil the cake for about 50-60 minutes until a cake tester comes out clean.

Remove the pan from the water, and let the cake cool somewhat before removing it from the pan. 

Mix confectionary sugar with orange zest, and just enough juice to make a paste. Pour the icing over the cake.


The Danish version:



  • 200 g smør (saltet of stuetemperatur)

  • 150 g sukker

  • 2 tsk vanilla paste eller kornene fra en vanillestang

  • 4 æg

  • 200 g hvedemel

  • 1 tsk bagepulver


  • flormelis

  • 1 appelsin (skallen og noget af saften)


Fyld en stor bred gryde med vand, og varm det op til det næsten koger. Gryden skal være så stor, at en randform kan flyde i gryden. Ok, min randform hviler på kanten, hvilket virker fint.

Rør smør og sukker sammen til det er blegt og skummende. Tilsæt æggene et ad gangen og derefter vanillien. Bland bagepulveret med melet og kom det i dejen. Fordel dejen i formen og kom formen over i gryden. Pas på at der ikke kommer vand ned i formen, for så er kagen ødelagt. Der skal IKKE låg på gryden, da kondensen vil gøre kagen meget svampet, hvilet ikke er rart.

Kog kagen i 50-60 minutter til kagen er færdig, og der ikke hænger noget ved, når du stikker en nål i kagen. 

Fjern kagen fra gryden og lad den køle lidt af inden du vender kagen ud af formen.

Lav glasuren af appelsinsaft, flormelis og revet appelsinskal, og kom den over den afkølede kage.
