Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

Danish Hotdog

DinnerTove Balle-PedersenComment
Danish Hotdog

Danish Hotdog

Tonight was a hotdog kinda night. I did no cooking whatsoever, ok I heated the røde pølser (red hotdogs) from Copenhagen Street Dog.  

The pølser (hotdogs) tasted just like the ones you get at the pølsevogn (hotdog stand) in Copenhagen. The bite (knækket) was just right. For sure this was the most authentic Danish hotdog, I have had here in the states. Served with ketchup, mustard, remoulade, raw onions, crispy onions and picked cucumbers.
I will recommend these hotdogs to everyone I know. Look for Copenhagen Street Dogs anywhere near you.

Copenhagen Street dog Please come to California stores soon.