Peppermint "Snaps"
December 7th - Third day of Christmas.
Danes do like to drink, they love their christmas lunch parties, having a lot of food and a lot of beer and snaps. But frankly, most danes do NOT enjoy snaps, but this sweeter shot might be more enjoyable. AND the drink is so pretty and pink - what not to like??
I have been dissolving many different kinds of hard candy in vodka during the years. Making different shots, for parties. Nowadays this is a rare occasion, because I rarely have hard liquor.
Making almost 1 bottle.
- 500 ml vodka
- 40 small peppermint candy canes
Dissolve the candy canes in the vodka, shaking the bottle now and again.
Serve the peppermint "snaps" at lunch or use it for shots at parties.
Please drink responsibly. And please no under-ages drinking.