Roasted Cauliflower in Tahini Dressing
One of my favorite vegetables is cauliflower. I love it raw, cooked, baked, and as cauliflower rice.
A few weeks ago I saw this version on a tahini dressing, and thought I had to try it. it didn’t disappoint.
The cauliflower is sprinkled with cumin and roasted in the oven, then placed on top of the dressing, with a topping of parsley, onion and almonds
This is the perfect side for a piece of grilled meat, like lamb or chicken.
Serves 4.
Roasted cauliflower:
1 cauliflower, cut into bouquets
4 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon cumin
Sprinkle of salt
Tahini dressing:
2 tablespoons tahini
6 tablespoons Greek yogurt
1 garlic clove,
1 tablespoon lemon juice, freshly squeezed
Salt to taste
4 tablespoons almonds, roasted and chopped
1 handful Italian parsley, chopped
1 small onion, finely diced
Preheat the oven to 430℉/220℃.
Place cauliflower on a parchment paper lined baking sheet, drizzle olive oil over and sprinkle salt and cumin, mix it so the cauliflower is evenly coated. Roast the cauliflower for 15-20 minutes. You want them to be tender with a bit of a crunchy texture.
Mix the ingredients to the dressing and season additional salt and lemon juice to taste.
Mix the topping in a bowl, and set aside
Spread the dressing on to a serving dish, place the roasted cauliflower on top, adding the topping on last.
Serve immediately.
Danish version:
Bagt blomkål med tahindressing
1 blomkål, delt op i buketter
4 spsk oliven olie
1 spsk spidskommen
Lidt salt
2 spsk tahini
6 spsk græsk yoghurt
1 fed hvidløg
1 spsk friskpresset citronsaft
Salt, efter smag
4 spsk grofthakkede ristede mandler
1 håndfuld bredbladet persille, groft hakket
1 lille løg, finthakket
Forvarm oven til 220℃.
Vend blomkålsbuketterne med olivenolie, spidskommen og salt. Kom blomkålen på en bageplade, med bagepapir. Bag blomkålen i 15-20 minutter indtil de er møre med lidt bid, og har fået lidt farve.
Bland alle ingredienserne sammen i en skål, smag til med ekstra salt og citron.
Bland ingredienserne sammen.
Kom et godt lag dressing ud på et fad, kom det bagte blomkål ovenpå. Fordel toppingen øverst og server.